Sunday Morning Messages

Discover the Bible and How it Applies to Your Life!

About Me

The Bible can be difficult to understand truly, not to mention it is a very long read. People spend their entire lives reading the bible and still do not grasp it all. Sunday Morning Messages is here to break down the different books, and verses of the Bible to make it a little easier to understand. All the while staying within a biblical and accurate format. Whether you are a non-believer, new believer, or an academia there is something for everyone.

Sunday Morning Messages is authored by Joey King, originally from Las Vegas, NV, is an Evangelical, husband, father, and combat veteran. He also volunteers as a city councilman, fireman, PTO president, and as a teacher for kids club at his local church in Kansas.


Growing up in Las Vegas was difficult for me. Drugs, sex, and rock and roll were the norm and in my face from the time I was a child. By the age of 12, I had made a reputation for myself as a bad guy. I was constantly involved in illegal activities from fighting, car theft, to becoming a drug addict. I found myself nearing incarceration or death daily. However, after being invited to church, and by the grace of God I was saved and baptized at the age of 21. I changed my life around and joined the U.S. Army to get out of Vegas.

The Change

I spent time in Iraq and Afghanistan in a constant state of danger. I honestly thought I was never going to make it home. But again, God kept me safe and brought me home but not without acquiring PTSD and depression. Though I remained a fairly moral person my mental state drove me to become a heavy drinker and my life was again falling apart. I began to turn away from God as anger and guilt set in. When both of my parents died from alcoholism I continued to drink away my pain which compounded my problems. Then out of the blue while sober and sitting at work, I audibly heard God tell me to “give me a chance”. I immediately began to pray and my heart began to heal. Again my life was changed but this time it was different. It was as if the Holy Spirit became very active and went to work on me. First, I immediately lost the desire to get drunk and simultaneously I had an overwhelming desire to follow God and get into ministry. I began my master’s degree in Biblical Exposition. I have a great desire to study the Bible and share with the world that God is not only alive, but is willing to save even the worst of sinners as he did me. Therefore, I have decided to begin this blog to serve multiple purposes. One is to help me continuously study the Bible in depth, and share that knowledge with you. Secondly, to share personal testimony that isn’t from someone who was a devout Christian their whole life, but from the perspective of a man who struggled their whole life with sin, and is now reformed, and emboldened in his faith. Lastly, to give inspiration, to witness, and to share the good news that Jesus Christ died for you and me so that we may be saved through grace and have eternal life.


I want to thank God for saving a sinner like me and forgiving me despite turning my back on Him. I would also like to thank my wife, who supported me through all of my struggles, and now she has joined my journey to follow God more profoundly and permanently.