Sunday Morning Messages

Discover the Bible and How it Applies to Your Life!

Category: Topical Sermon

  • Is God Real? PART TWO

    Is God Real? PART TWO

    This is part two of a three-part series on whether or not God is real. Personal experience plays a huge role in what we believe. We are taught what we know through family, friends, school, church, and by our life experiences. We are influenced by everything, from what we gain from our family values to…

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  • What is Love?

    What is Love?

    Trust me, I am not judging you, but I have been there and understand this quandary! The notion that we should love others unconditionally as we love God can be a tough pill to swallow for some. It was for me at first. If you go as far as to say that you hate someone,…

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  • Losing Friends Over Faith

    Losing Friends Over Faith

    It can be a difficult transition when you have spent your entire life living one way, perhaps in total sin, then submitting to God and trying to walk in His light. You will quickly realize that your life change is not everyone’s cup of tea. Therefore, your relationships will change. There will be people who…

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  • Who Was VS Who IS Jesus?

    Who Was VS Who IS Jesus?

    My Perspective of who Jesus was (historically) and who he is to me (today). He was and is compassionate and gives unconditional love even for the worst of sinners, including me. He is humble, selfless, and sacrificial, but most of all, He is forgiving (Luke 23:24). Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and if you…

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