Sunday Morning Messages

Discover the Bible and How it Applies to Your Life!

My Perspective of who Jesus was (historically) and who he is to me (today).

By Joey King

Who Was Jesus?

Sin separates us from God, and yet God desired that we would grow closer to Him. However, there was no salvation to accomplish this. God had his creation in mind, so he sent His Son, Jesus, whose purpose was ultimately to die in order to save all of mankind. But many don’t know who Jesus was. Or why since the first century, people around the globe have been filling churches to hear about Him. He was born to a virgin mother during a time when the Jews were the only chosen people. An angel told Mary that the child she was carrying was the Son of God, and then in a dream, an angel told Mary’s fiancé Joseph that the child in Mary’s womb would save all the world from sin.

When Jesus began his ministry around the age of 30, he chose twelve apostles to travel all over the surrounding areas of Judea and the Sea of Galilee, healing, performing miracles, and, most importantly, teaching what would eventually become the basis of the New Testament of the Holy Bible. Jesus spent three years speaking through parables and sermons, of which His primary messages revolved around living a life of righteousness, dealing with adversities, trusting, and having faith in God. But his ultimate message was that whoever believed in God would be forgiven of sin and would not die but have eternal life in heaven (John 3:16). Jesus gave many clues throughout his ministry as to what would happen next. But proclaiming to be the Son of God upset the leaders of the Jewish community, who called it blasphemy, and they eventually had Jesus condemned.

  It was at this point that Jesus was crucified by being nailed to a cross by his hands and feet until his death several hours later. His body was then placed in a tomb that was sealed with a massive stone and protected by Roman guards. On the third day, a few of the women followers of Jesus went to visit the tomb and noticed that the stone had been removed and that Jesus’ body was no longer there. Instead, an angel of God appeared in the tomb, and he told the women that Jesus had been resurrected. Jesus would appear to all twelve apostles so that they would believe that Jesus truly was the Son of God. Hundreds more would become witnesses to his resurrection before he finally ascended into heaven to be with God. And that is who Jesus of Nazareth was. A fisher of men, Jesus was a man of compassion, love, and forgiveness. The Son of God, who died for you and me, so that we can have eternal life.

Who is Jesus? To Me personally…

However, I would explain who Jesus was differently than if I were asked who He is to me now. The previous explanation, I leaned more toward the Historical Jesus, as in who He was in the flesh. That is the Jesus that was born of a virgin, who traveled with His twelve disciples preaching about salvation and the Kingdom of God until he was crucified, resurrected, and ultimately ascended. However, in the context of how I interpret the Gospel, “my Jesus” is more than that.

             “My Jesus” is “the Word” that “became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:13 English Standard Version). He was a man who became tired, hungry, and thirsty from healing, preaching, and going on long journeys (John 4:6). Jesus, even in the flesh, was perfect. He never sinned, and His words were incredibly meaningful yet seemingly effortless. He was the Son of God (Matt. 14:33). He was God. To me, Jesus is the one that rescued me from my heathen ways. We are all sinners, yes, but I was a lonely, depressed, anxious drug addict and alcoholic, a thief full of hatred, anger, and judgment when Jesus found me. He pulled me out of the darkness and into the light. He filled me with the Holy Spirit and gave me strength, equipping me with the desire to teach and witness with grace. He provided when there were no options left. He healed me when I was broken. He lifted me up and guided me to a more fruitful life. He blessed me with two amazing children and a wonderful God-fearing wife.

            Without Jesus, I would have been another agnostic lost soul without a purpose in life. But He pulled me in, washed me in the blood of the lamb, and showed me that there was hope. Because of my past, my heart was torn with regret and sorrow, but He forgave me though I never deserved it. “My Jesus” is depicted in the book of John as the “bread of life” for which I crave. My desire to serve Jesus is passionately ablaze, and I will stay in His Word and follow His path to continue to fuel this fire in my heart. I will not ever be good enough in my eyes, but I realize that He loves me like a father loves their child. And as long as I remain on His path and give Him the glory, He will be pleased. He does not require more than I can give, and I know that His love for me is unconditional; therefore, I repent and ask for forgiveness daily.

He was and is compassionate and gives unconditional love even for the worst of sinners, including me. He is humble, selfless, and sacrificial, but most of all, He is forgiving (Luke 23:24). Jesus is my Lord and Savior, and if you are reading this, I pray that He is yours too.